
Does caring matter? Eh. I dunno. I don't know. I don't know if that's how you find what you want out of what you are and what you do. I thought it was once. Now  I find the most carefree and seemingly effortless moments are the most brilliant. Maybe I'm just confusing thinking too much with caring. I can care without thinking too much.

Don't overthink shit.

What's the worst? What's best? You'll be a meme or on the news for something embarrassing? Your career will be ruined? Where's your ego lye in your path to enlightenment? Will you read this? Will you read this as a question to you or as a question someone is asking themselves?

You're an experiment. All of this is temporary.

I need to move out of Cali.

I wont feel the same. But I'll still feel fulfilled getting a car wash.

I think I see the big picture sometimes. But that's because I'm surrounded by people that think they see the big picture. And then I can only see a glimpse of our big picture. Is that the big picture?
It's just structure. It's just momentum. It's just an idea. It's just a dream. It's just a seed.

It's become easier to account for the weather.

Don't over think shit.


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