notes on human development aggregate - An Improvisation


childhoods end by madgardens
There is a renaissance occurring in the types of frequency humans are becoming aware of. The noise of all the new form technological communication is strengthening the frequency perception of humans and thusly their pattern recognition. Bio and tech are coalescing; though the connection has been established for a while. Maybe it's a condition of time, that every idea brought into material be entwined. Maybe every idea is entwined despite its location.

Soon I will be You. 

There is an increased state of excitement within our communal harmonics. We are forming new types communicatory patterns; more highly sensitive to nuance and expression.

Look at the quantity of our expression. It's enormous. The tools and space we now have access to. 

Digital currency has sprouted its roots in the forms of blockchains. People are earning sustainable livings through their creativity in a variety of unique ways through digitized outlets. More people are learning how to develop their own corporate entity as starting a business becomes more accessable.

Creatives are building pyramids of art eclipsing vortexes of reactionary instinct that still form the foundation of our brains. Humanity is growing its digital cortex.

We have become children of the blue light and we are learning to dream in our new frequency.

Dreams help attenuate low frequency processing. Without aligning the body's frequency it is impossible to navigate the realm of spirit through the mind.

Capitalist value must find weight in esoteric projection if current hierarchical systems are expected to prevail. technology will alter ideas of scarcity.


human consciousness continues on its path of learning how to extract value from creation. 

what content can be circulated to create value for the all that encompasses humanity (as a dependent of the organism Earth)?

as humanity begins a way out from an era of post-internet excessivism parts of society will fall away. the pillars that once held kleptocracy in place, built from the labor of wage slaves, will crumble under the obese greed oozing from the third eye of our militant prophets, who've ruled with a convoluted sense of superiority through a privilege they'd dismiss as divine right. their calcified essence of spirituality will be set free. melting down their egos for infrastructure. Service, as a positional awareness of our minds, will be realigned with sacred value. create space to grow the people who cannot understand their code. let time find them.

the internet is being extracted from media monopolies. Your data is being farmed, you are being algorithmed and packaged and discarded but... it's not about you. It's about your environment; your community. The data's value, in spite of its corporate motivation, will help detect incentivized behavior.

The more we learn, the better we become at organizing and automating growth; the more we weed out artificially inflammatory advertising and conversation. The more we have opportunities to discover paths of life that speak to our truths. The more we discover how to connect to nodes of life that help provide a sense of meaning to our time.

Nature will help empower communities. Gardening and grow ops becoming more prevalent (even when incentivized by drugs). Lab cultured sustenance is on the horizon and energy with wind and solar.

As plastic becomes flesh, ideals, once cornerstones, will be wound with vines of our new biomecha. What's to say our intelligence isn't artificial? Our organs?

Our limited knowledge of our own history we've forged to repeat because there is value in mutation? Value in novelty...?

All while hypnotically bound to possibilities and memories of love? 

The more we invent new with parts of old, the more we continue ourselves. The more power, the more dialogue. Dialogue diffuses the accrual, helping circulation. Circulation facilitates growth.


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