
I like you. Yes, you. I'm attracted to you. Not like in a physical way... But sure, also in a physical way, because you're a human. How could I not be attracted?

You remind me of someone I knew. You have a certain sense about you. I can tell it in the way you walk and talk and hold yourself while you're waiting, in thought. I can tell it in the shades of your hair. In the types of expressions you wear about the muscles of your face. In the markings of your skin. In the type of clothes you adorn.

I wonder where you're from and what you do to pass the time. What your favorite food is. How you cope with stress. What kind of body care products you use, if any. What you recognize about the functions of your body. If you had parents. If you have had kids. If you are close with your family. Where and with whom you allow yourself to socialize.

I wonder what you think about. Do you lean more negative or positive? What personality type you could see yourself fitting into with what traits. If you enjoy the day over the night. Are you afraid of spiders?  Are you aware of what thoughts turn when everything's silent?

What of intellect? Money? In what ways are you athletic and in what ways disabled? How do you accept help? Do you help yourself? In what ways are you weird? What colors have you been noticing lately? I wonder if change is apart of the daily rituals.

Where do you see yourself in five years...ten? How long do you want to live? How would you treat someone whose sad and wants to leave this planet? How would you treat someone that wants to grow... to spread love?

What is success to you? Do you pick up after yourself?

How do I experience your version of intimacy? What would it look like? Is it selfish? Do you resent it? Do you value honesty?

Have you ever had a moment of your life you thought was the best? What made that so defining? The people around you? Were you accomplishing something you set out to do? Was it something someone asked of you? Were you at peace?

I think I'm in awe now thinking of you.

Isn't it great to be in awe? I miss it. I miss you. Hope you're well.


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